Kalapatti, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Business Type | Manufacturer, Exporter |
Brand Name | WOODSTAR |
Driven Type | Electric |
Color | Light Green, Light White |
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Location | Worldwide |
Product Details
cnc router wsr-1525 – stepper– single
øworking area: 1500×2500×300 mm
øheavy weld tube structure
hqd air cooled spindle 24000 rpm
øinvt taiwan vfd
øweihong nk105g2 / a11 cnc control system
øyako stepper motor and drive with brake system
ørapid speed 25,000 mm / min
øworking speed 15,000 mm/ min
øtaiwan 20 mm high load linear rail and bearing
øtaiwan tbi 25mm z ball screw
øgerman lapp cables
ø 1.25 m helical harden rack and pinion.
øtiming belt gearbox
ø1.5 mm standard t-slot aluminium with hard pvc
øsupport program: g codes and m codes
øsoftware: artcam and v carve aspire
ølubrication: manual
øvoltage 220v, single phase 50hz
østandard tools and accessories include allen key toolbox, ball nose tools 6 no’s, spindle spanner set, 2 collet, collet nut, heavy door clamp 10 pcs, 2 sensors, servo stabilizer
ø12,000 + designs (800 gb)
øgross weight 1200 kgs
øtotal power 9.0 hp
øoverall dimension: 3200 x 2300 x 2300 mm
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